The SABU project (the acronym comes from its full Czech name ‘Sdílení a Analýza Bezpečnostních Událostí v ČR’ - the Sharing and Analysis of Security Events in CZ) is a project carried out within the framework of the Security Research Programme of the Czech Republic 2015 - 2020 (BV III / 1 VS) financed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, project number VI20162019029. The administrators of the SABU projects are the CESNET Association and Masaryk University.
The objective of the SABU project is to develop a system for the intelligent analysis and efficient sharing of ‘security event’ and ‘security incident’ type of alerts between the security teams in the Czech Republic. It should enable predicting the development of attacks in the future, thus mitigating the impact of any such attack on the national cyberspace. The system should enable a timely exchange of information about the detected security incidents between the entities involved, including the Czech National and Government security teams. The system will analyse the current threats and provide valuable information about them.
Key project goals:
- Broadening the span for the gathering and sharing of security events from a wide range of security tools (from a number of different developers) generating these events.
- Performing the intelligent analysis of security events and the application of the results of the intelligent analysis to enhance the protection of the operated networks, provided services and the users.
- Sharing information on both the national and international level.